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MYS Boss want transparent Leadership at the LFA......

Youth and sports minister Zoegar Wilson said he would love to see transparent leadership at the Liberia Football Associatioon.

Speaking at the Controversial LFA election on saturday minister wilson calls for transparency and accountabillity at the helm of Liberian Football for the Prospective Leadership. 

The former Mighty Barrolle Goal keeper (Wilson) used the time to commit the ministry of youth and sports full support toward the LFA.

he said while it is true that the sports ministry is prepared to work hand in hand with the FA, the new Leadership at the local football house must exhibit high level of transparency.

Minister wilson added that his vision and passion for sports development cannot be business usual and has urged all football stakeholders to begin to make maximum used of funds that come to the LFA from other football organizations.

he further lamented that it is about time that Liberian feel the impact of whatever subsides coming to the local football house from world Government body for soccer FIFA.

that impact must be felt , we must all change the direction of football ,if we all want the game to improve let us work with accountability and trust he said.

Meanwhile the Youth and Sports minister also expressed disappointment in government of Liberia contribution toward football development in the countryover the years and promised to change the sport culture.

You can't run a sports budget that is USD $150,000.00 which is not evensufficient for the National soccer team the lonestar he added..

Story edited by Gustufus Karpeh


Credited by Emmanuel wise special one Jipoh


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