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George Solo halts LFA elections...

The civil law court has placed a stayed order on Liberia Football Association's runoff election.

The court action was a result of an application to the court from defeated Presidential Candidate George Solo.

Solo who is said to be the Vice President of newly promoted First Division Club Nimba FC, file the complaint seeking for preliminary injunction after the first round of the election.

Solo claimed that the failure of the FA's Election Committee to look into his complaints against Mustapha Raji's college credential and current LFA Vice President Musa Shannon double citizenship led to him going to the court for intervention.

The Local Football House election committee according to reports has up to April 24,2018 to respond to solo petition seeking for stay order until his Concern is address as per the law.

Solo during the election obtain five out of the 34 votes.

Meanwhile Solo risks serving a weighty suspension after he filed a lawsuit against the organization of the LFA election process which was held at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville.

The Elections Committee headed by Cllr. Sarfuah Gray and Cllr.Arthur Johnson was at the verge of Conducting a runoff between the two leading candidates; Mustapha Raji's and Musa Shannon before the write of injunction entered the hall.

Leading Candidate Mustapha Raji got 16 of the votes but was not enough to obtain the 17 plus one vote to reach the absolute majority as mandated by the LFA statues.

Speaking at the close of the election process, outgoing Liberia Football Association (LFA) President Musa Hassan Bility expressed frustration over the delay caused by the injunction on the process. 

Bility however encouraged the stakeholder that the elections will go ahead despite the distration .

The outgoing FA boss further noted that is a violation of the LFA statues for football matter to be taken to civil law court.

According to him all football issues must be addressed by grievance committee or the court of Arbitration for sports.

Bility added that solo would face the full weight of the LFA statues.

Apart from the Presendential Position at the Election all other position in Association were elected including the LFA Vice President of Administration and the VPO of the local football House ,as well as Executive members.

Those elected in office at the 23 LFA ordinary Congress are as follow!!

BYC President Sekou Conneh - slash aside his closest rivals Sekou keita of Invincible Eleven (IE) 19-10 votes to coup the Position of Vice President for Administration at the Liberia Football Association set to replace outgoing VPA Musa Shannon who is bidding to become the President of the LFA.

Also elected was former Second division Club Georgian FC President wilmot Smith who beat his Strong Competitor's EC Member Ansu VS Dulleh and Allen Klayee for the Position of the second Vice President of the Liberia Football Association ( VPO).

Others on board in the new LFA leadership are Executive Committee Members.

Here are the following elected EC members.

1.Mamie Kporto

2. Pawala Janyan

3. Ivan Brown

4. Kellie Millar

5. Henry Flomo

6. Pepci Yeke 

7. Cllr. Joseph Kollie

8. Kelvin Baryo 

9 Nyemah Nyanway

10. Judie Seton - was elected on white ballot as the only female EC member.

Edited by Gustusfus Karpeh


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